Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tales from India: A Bollywood wedding

I have to admit that even though I had visions of grandeur, white horses and elephants prancing down the street, the reality of what happened was much better. S and V's wedding took place at a hall called Tivoli Gardens. I'm sure the gardens themselves were beautiful, but the wedding was held at night so I couldn't see much. There was a long hallway lined with flowers and lights on the  way to the hall. The hall was set up so that people could have dinner during the wedding, wander over to watch the ceremony when they felt like it and it wasn't a bad or shameful thing to not do so. I always feel bad sneaking away during West Indian weddings, but there is absolutely no way I'm about to sit on the floor for 2+ hours. When I get married I promise to provide chairs.
The wedding ceremony itself was different from what I've seen. They carried the bride in on a chair and she couldn't come down until the groom, also on a chair, managed to throw a garland of flowers around her neck. Her family tried to stop him and his family tried to stop them. It was so much fun. While S and V were getting married people had the option of eating dinner or watching the ceremony (brilliant idea!) Not sure how and why things change so much, but I'm sure it's just a matter of differences between the Hindu religion in Indian vs. West Indian culture. Actually, it's a topic I'm currently doing research on, but I can't promise any answers and don't ask. Not sure why I even mentioned in.
Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

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